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DrishtiVisionIT Solutions (OPC) Pvt. Ltd. is a global information technology platform specializing and rendering with the latest releases in the Technology field providing varied consultation and outsourcing services. We believe in quality through creativity located in Jagdalpur (C.G.), India, offering fully fledged services for software development and Technology empowering effective near-shore management to its clients. Integrating enduring experience, valuable knowledge and wide ranging capabilities, we provide IT solutions for numerous industries.

Absolutely committed to customer satisfaction, DrishtiVisions continues to operate with higher client expectancy and flexible solution offers. Our diversified IT solutions as well as services are ideal for small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Using our enhanced global delivery model, innovative software plat forming approach and industry expertise, we provide high-value IT services that enable the client and the service provider to establish instant and successful communication channels and support off-shoring and near-shoring business models, enhancing business performance, accelerate time-to-market, increase productivity and improve customer service, thus keeping the deadlines on time and on track.experience, valuable knowledge and wide ranging capabilities, we provide IT solutions for numerous industries.
We also provides huge array of services by leveraging domain and business expertise and strategic alliances with many leading technology providers all over the world.


Over the years, our committed team of professionals has constantly provided best quality and appropriate solutions. These solutions comprise of custom-made application development, SEO, Web designing, Software developing, etc.. DrishtiVisions aims to be the leading technology provider for the businesses across the globe and contribute to their effective growth.

Today, with our experience, hard work and skills, we have been able to create a huge footprint of clients and partners across the country. We assure quality and promptness in services through 24x7 Technical Support depending on your business requirements and needs as we are equipped with highly talented and motivated professionals who have got a passion for perfection. Our bespoke technological solution caters to many entrepreneurs, enterprises and start up ventures, to help them gain maximum ROI for their business.



A professional and clean website is essential for any business to succeed in the online realm. The look and feel of your website is paramount in determining whether someone stays on it or leaves. Our web design services focus on the nature of your business and what you need for a fruitful online presence to ultimately push revenues further up.



Graphic design is the crucial part of any business as it reflects your company’s image and the domain you work within and makes it more compelling and exciting for the visitor. Simultaneously Audio – Visual graphics leaves high impact on the visitors and stimulates them to convert its query into sales. Therefore graphic designs are the important means of advertising for the products and the services your business offers.



No matter what type of business you own, SEO must be part of your online marketing strategy. Learn about Blue Corona’s SEO services below, including what you get with our SEO services, what makes us different, and how to decide if you need help from one of the best SEO companies out there. Ready to get started?



We are the best Digital Marketing Agency in India offer a 360 Degree digital services portfolio. We have carved a niche as a renowned company with our immense experience and skills that help us build a brand brick by brick. We have a focused approach to our job and can easily sense a good digital opportunity and this allow us to help our clients in solving their complex business problems.


  • Design
  • Javascript
  • WordPress

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